Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Blegh. Expected lah. Got 38/80 for Add Maths, which really, is much worse than I thought. At most, I could only achieve a "C", which is a new thing for me. Six careless mistakes actually resulted in me losing more than 25 marks. Damn -.-

Physics and Chemistry results were actually pretty satisfying, although I could definitely do better. I loathe acids and bases, freaking stupid chapter. Will surely focus more on those subjects from now on.

Chinese, 48/80, which ain't that bad. Hell, it's actually pretty good. I mean, I can't even write UPSR-standard Chinese essays, what did you expect?

Moral was pretty satisfying as well. Got a 10 (full marks) for the essay section, for the first time. LOL. And I actually sat for the paper with my half-conscious mind faltering at the mere sight of every question.

English, oh the most auspiciously ravishing language of all time, such marvel only rivaled by the scintillating teardrops of the most Junoesque princess. What the hell. -.-

I'm grotesquely exhausted by the sordid little "rules" that you imposed. It's not the first time that I has endured the purgatory that you has confined me into. Such malevolence! It was already saturnine of you to deliberately ignore my self-inputted "very sophisticated words" in place of your own. Do you not endorse universal English? Or did you intend to conquer the English world with your flippant attitude?

I already used five of your "sophisticated words" in the above paragraph.

There are always reasons that paved way to my rather mediocre scores in English examinations. Such disgrace you are to only judge one's book by its damn cover, and not its contents. I compose stories my way, and I understand my own flaws, such as a lack of vocabulary skills and my fetish for fantasy-esque settings; so I don't need someone like you to criticize me in all the wrong places.

For example, you claimed that examiners "couldn't care much" about checking through tenses and commanded us to only use past tenses, regardless of situation. Bastard? More like some pitiless pile of shit stuck on someone's ass cause he couldn't care much of it. Even in situations such as "I ran toward the person, ignoring the fact that I am a boy.", however humorous it might be, you'll probably be insisting that the "am" be changed to "was" to form "the fact that I was a boy". Unless I have a gender change operation or whatsoever, I could not apply the above sentence. Knowing your disdainful methods of grasping the very basic foundation of the English Language, and your previous attempts in correcting my conspicuously perfect use of the present tense to past tense, the above situation will occur when given a chance.

I don't need someone like you to reprimand my creativity. You wanted essays to start with a "bang" and end with a "twist". Yes, I have to agree that it is one of the better ways to create a story. But whenever I sacrificed the "bang" with a more formal introduction of what would be a convoluted story, or when I excused the "twist" with a remarkably splendid conclusion that will make your heart melt, you decided to oppose it, insisting that it will make the examiner bored.

Bored? If you're bored then I would suggest you to retire your post for the people who truly appreciate a nice, satisfying ending.

And based on your requirements for five "sophisticated words" from your book, an "okie-dokie", a metaphor, a simile, a saying, start with a "bang" and end with a "twist", a story like this could garner  full score.

"The gregarious Jason killed his vivacious parents for no reason. He quickly went to his room to lick his wounds. The next day, the amiable Jason went to the supermarket to buy a scintillating piece of sordid shit. The shit was so sordid that it made cows fly. He met a jejune girl with legs as hairy as a monkey. She proposed to him and he said "Okie-dokie!", as the saying goes, "nothing is impossible". They soon got married. They suddenly died from cancer and the world exploded into pieces. The end."

Yep, a suitable start with a "bang" and an unbelievably impeccable "twist" ending there alright. Masterpiece.


Phew, ranted enough I guess. -.-

I might release a book entitled "The Gregarious Jason and The Hot Girl Who Suffered From Cancer" soon.

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