Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Best Poem

Pink puffy porky persona of a pig.
How can a pig possibly be this big?
Cute chubby chalky character of a pig.
How can a pig possibly wear a wig?
Such sketchy weirdness in a pig.

How is it possible?
All due to a miraculous combination
Of bubble tea and chalk’s nation.
We need to drink bubble tea every day
And use chalk to draw in every way,
Because chalk tea is tasty like horse hay.

Horses are great creatures.
Like a male dressing up with females’ features.
Such fabulousness,
It makes chalk tea more delicious
And bubbles more scrumptious.

Flames of a Sordid Winter: FROST II

You will recite The People's Scripture at least eleven times after you have awoken.
You will recite each interpretation at least eleven times before you sleep.
You will forever remember all the eleven words that are contained in this scripture.
You will forever remember all eleven different interpretations of this scripture, word-by-word.
Offenders will be cursed to step on a "Freeze Zone".

The bright orange evil; false hopes.
Coldness protects us.
We're grateful.
- The People's Scripture, White de'Leon

1. There was Mason Quote de'Aqueon, the evil, the ruler of FIRE, the enemy.

2. The nation was orange of the FIRE. Our cold will protect.

3. The FIRE is hypocritical. They destroy dreams. We will restore them.

4. They are bright; pale inside. Conversely, we are pale; bright inside.

5. We're offered a chance to be freed from the FIRE's wrath.

6. The FIRE will never die by itself, for they have Gazette de'Aqueon.

7. Gazette de'Aqueon, the heir of FIRE, is cruel, unrelenting, heartless, biased, corrupted.

8. We're offered protection in the form of Zieren di Eis, Einfrierend and FROST.

9. Zieren di Eis, headquarters of ICE, offers the truest warmth, unlike the FIRE.

10. Einfrierend, underground city of the people, shields us from the FIRE.

11. FROST, scriptures of ICE, ensure the people's organization, uniting against FIRE.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Flames of a Sordid Winter: FROST I

(Part of a new storyline I'm working on. The FROSTS are writings that contain both the history and regulations of a nation, known as the ICE, headed by The Frost Lord, White de'Leon.)

FROSTS (I-X) are subject to change without prior notice.
FROSTS (I-X) are only to be altered by The Trio: The Frost Lord, White de'Leon; The Wisest Sage, Trigas Trill; or the Saviour of the Cause, Lucias Lusci.
FROSTS (I-V) are to be read, understood, and memorized by all members if the ICE.
FROSTS (VI-X) are only to be read by members who have been granted permission by The Trio.

Walking icicles that looked like a glassy man.
Such fine, chiseled face of an inadequate man.
Hardened with a tint of transparency, much like man;
painted blue by the skies which are blackened by man.
For I have submitted to this cause to save hapless man.
I have an ability of frost, yet I feel as frozen as man.
As cold as pure ice, I aim to walk this world of man.
I am born a bastard child, but my destiny is an icy man.
My people's cries are at absolute zero, a city of snow man.
- The Revolutionary Poem, White de'Leon

Those who actively or passively challenge or threaten our cause, through means that are, but not limited to, the following:
I- Altering FROSTS (I-X), through physically (or mentally) editing, rewriting, or plagiarizing the FROSTS.
II- Desecrating the ICE, FROSTS (I-X), Zieren di Eis, or the Einfrierend, as written in FROST II.
III- Reading FROSTS (VI-X) without permission from The Trio.
IV- Supporting the FIRE through any means.
V- Disregarding common sense.
VI- Displeasing The Frost Lord.
VII- Not reciting The People's Scripture and its eleven interpretations, as written in FROST II.

He or she who does so shall be educated properly. He or she, while casually walking, will step on the following specific spots, with increasing severity:
I- "Slip Zones" will lead offenders to a life of permanent injury, caused by slipping on ice.
II- "Sink Zones" will lead offenders to a life of eternal coldness, caused by falling into a hole filled with the chillest water.
III- "Freeze Zones" will lead offenders to a life as an immobile ice statue, forever to feel only shame and disgrace as one of the nation's most atrocious criminals.

Understand that The Frost Lord is apathetic towards your crises. He will only offer help if you are of some degree of importance.

Understand that The Frost Lord should not be directly interacted with while he is in public. Offenders in the Einfrierend will be cursed to step on a "Freeze Zone", while offenders in other public areas will be cursed to step on a "Slip Zone".

Understand that we allow you to live life as a proper human being.

Respect the ICE. Respect the winter. Embrace us, and we may embrace you.