Saturday, April 21, 2012


Reign on thou whom sowed the seed of yours truly,
since the ages of mother's agony,
to the distant future so warily.
If I mirrored luminescence of aspiration,
which scintillated the lamp of ventilation,
able to supplement me with relaxation,
thou shall endorse, profoundly.
But my optimism crafted its scattered nest
onto the prestigious literacy test,
my forte and passion was a projection
of my undying ambition;
yet thou understand not.

Thou shan't perforate my emotion
with the needles of desperation,
when sagacity of thou isn't on par,
with my vast understanding so far.
If I were not to grasp your theory,
because of your own deceitful story,
then I deserve not to be charred
by your ignorant flames of the scarred.
And thou shan't comprehend this composition,
as "I didn't understand such simple comprehension".

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Such remorse in the ecstatic flood,
reminds me of ubiquitous blood,
and even more tears.
Burrow me through hope and tear
the vacant everywhere.

What dignity awaited me in the past,
they'd never last.
Fantasy smothered the lake
which kept me awake;
it was just a living bait,
wiggling their paranormal tails like some soulful wait,
they can repent their rebates!
What I'd done, I never dreamed,
as those silks over there, were never seamed.

The shrieks of laughter perforated my fins,
ensnared me into the rapture of sin,
that I could never win.
What fortitude that I have,
are saplings
whom treated me as their underling.
I've grown exasperated of my world,
the people whom I relied, those pieces of darkwood,
they'd taken control of altering my mood.
So don't even try to need me,
if you fail in trying to read me.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Burn It Down

Burn It Down - Linkin Park

Honestly, it's a really, really mainstream pop rock song. Hell, you don't even need to be a rock fan to get hooked onto it, something like New Divide or Leave Out All The Rest. But I love it, like, totally.

But well, I'm actually worried that they might venture into mainstream pop soon. This is their most mainstream song to date, and I can imagine it breaking the Top 5 barrier.

The guitar riffs are pretty interesting though, although the rather pop-ish beat kinda made it more of a dance rock track than an alternative rock track.

Mike's raps are (like, finally) back, and they fit pretty well with the constant melodic screaming throughout the end of the song.

And their new album is called Living Things. Intriguing.

Slept at 2am last night, which didn't help in keeping my eyes opened today. Slept through the entire History period. A dose of caffeine kinda helped in keeping me awake for the next four hours though.

BB gang is some awesome hell of a group of friends I have, and I can never live without them. It's totally worth skipping tuition classes just to hang out with them, since we're studying in different classes now.

Great, it's April already. I seriously don't want high school to end that fast.

"You lost that right to hold that crown, I built you up but you let me down. So when you fall, I'll take my turn, and fan the flames as your blazes burn." - Burn It Down, Linkin Park

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I hate this love song. I hate this love song. I hate this love song. I hate this love song.

Still addicted to Big Bang. Gah.

Been sleeping close to five hours daily last week, so I napped through my whole afternoon. Shit. And I remembered how I used to sleep eight hours daily in 2010. -.-

Damnit. Twelve freaking chapters of history ain't fun at all. And I only got like what, three weeks? And I'm still on Facebook-chat-and-napping mood here. Cool.

Been a while since I wrote poems I guess, which is cool, since poetry is my most efficient method of conveying my emotions. Which means that I kinda got through the week without being too emo. Hopefully this keeps up.

And yes, I still suck at trying to be an extrovert. So if anyone of you see me not chatting much all of a sudden, it usually means that my introvert self kicked in, or the fact that I'm having a mood swing, as always.

Eight more months till I end one of the most exciting chapters of my life- High school. But I still wonder though, did I even do anything remotely memorable during these five years?

No? Yes? Well, I don't know.

"You told me yes, you held me high; and I believed when you told that lie. I played soldier, you played king; struck me down when I kissed that ring." - Burn It Down, Linkin Park.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Events which I initially thought were boring  usually turns out being the highlight of the day/week. Conversely, events which initially made me excited usually disappoints me. Damn, I will never understand why.

Well, no one can be happy every day of their lives right?

Still on Big Bang fever recently. Shit. Boom shakalaka. -.-

Linkin Park will be releasing a new song (Burn It Down) in two days, and based on what I heard from the leaked chorus, it's gonna be epic. Please let that cure my bigbang fever D:

Sat through a totally shitty borefest this morning. Seriously, four hellish hours of pressing my ass against a hard plastic chair isn't the most comfortable feeling in the world. And it didn't help that the school hall isn't the most comfortable place to sleep in.

iPhone saved the day, managed to kill two hours of boredom, although I should've brought some books to read, not that I even have any. -.-

There were like, myriads of students that achieved 10As last year. Damn, if only I could improve my Chinese...

Went to the canteen for some snacks, and barely an hour in, the ceremony came to a halt. It was 11pm, one and a half hour earlier than the expected concluding time.


Went to Mid Valley with some of my pals, watched Wrath of the Titans there. Pretty decent in my opinion, the effects are nice, but the action could be toned up a little, for a movie based on Greek mythology I expected more blood and stuffs. But yeah, still a nice movie.

Went to the Barbie Doll store for the fourth time. It's like, a compulsory place to visit every time I went Mid Valley with those friends. Didn't really linger around the store as long as last time though, but it was still amusing.

And I finally learned how to take a bus today. Awesome shit.

Well, this should've been an emo post, but I'm not in an emo mood right now, so yeah.

"We're building it up, to break it back down. We're building it up, to burn it down! We can't wait to burn it to the ground." - Burn It Down, Linkin Park

Sunday, April 8, 2012


What's with me, being hopelessly addicted to Big Bang these days? -.-

I mean, I used to like rock music and stuffs (and still do), so I found it rather amusing to get hooked up onto some autotuned piece of shit such as Fantastic Baby.

I take that back. Fantastic Baby isn't shit, it's totally brilliant.

And I never believed that a dance-pop song could melt hearts, until I listened to Haru Haru (Day by Day). The video nearly brought me to tears, the ending totally synced with the final chorus of the song. Amazing.

Blue is pretty neat as well. Didn't really caught on to it until after a few listens.

Life's pretty smooth (I guess) these days, been addicted to drawing zombies lately. I don't know, somehow I lost motivation to write stuffs, but there are tons of ideas emerging from my brain cells, and I might just blow up and write another sizable story like Tyrant Eliza -.-

Another issue to note. I just realized that I kinda (or should I say, already did) missed out a lot in S3, like seriously. What the hell did I do during the past year? Was I that addicted to her? D:

Not in the mood to write emotional stuffs now, so yeah. No more gangs for now, I want to be part of 5S3 as a whole.
