Thursday, February 28, 2013


Standing on the edge of such misery, dignity;
reprimanding the ledge, "You're sorry, you're measly."
Secrets being shared along with serenades so eerie;
beneath its wrong heart, it fades so creepily;
within its song, art, thou art me freebie;
riding its guilty cart, you are mine so easily.

Corrode in my part, which is you and your part;
or low and get low, or face blood from my dart.
Rise only in my name, and fall only in yours;
nearer to my own fame, you fall on all fours.
Eradicate the fools who stand in my way;
right now you will serve me my day, today;
sight broken when you've done my job, you may.

Creep up onto me when I'm done, you say;
or weep you shall not when I'm down one day.
Realize that I conquered your soul on that day;
nowhere near a goner, you've a whole day.
Everyone who hears this will be proud of me;
resonate with my pride, and you'll be shrouded by me.

Now may I speak, young sir who breeds dark?
Your words and squeaks, they're like a breed's bark.
Listen to me, your spirit's too stark;
just chill out like me, you blasphemous mark.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Cat Poem

(Poem requested by someone)

Emitting such efficient, golden light;
delivering a sufficient, woven delight
for all of us
by caressing her fur in the daylight.
Indulging her dignity in a shelter so bright,
divulging her affinity for a fresh seawater knight
from all of us.

Eyes keenly fixated onto a moving sight,
“Oh look there’s a rat alright!”
“Sigh”, her motivation was a mere slight.
She lay on the couch, wished a good night;
just like a lazed slouch, her life at its height.
“Ding-dong!” screeched the doorbell of might,
her playful eyes widened, well, not quite.
Her mind was blinded, winded in fright;
“Is it a monster?” she was prepared for plight.

Oh but a monster it was not, and never will be;
it was simply a man, a loyal man you see.
Ah such perfection to be reunited with glee;
the bond that they share, forever a guarantee.

Saturday, February 2, 2013


What is a promise?

Well, to us people, making promises is a method to instill trust in another person. The conditions of this agreement tend to range from stupidly easy (I promise that I will finish this blogpost), to just absurd (I promise that I will tickle myself to death). No matter what, the most fundamental rule is very simple; one could only promise to do something when he or she has the capability to do so.


Yes, there are fulfilled ones, but the majority of all promises has only one intention: to get as much as possible out of the other party before shitting on their pitiful heads and leave them stranded in emptiness.

This applies especially to silent promises, which are the long, yet extremely fragile chains that bond two or more people together. It does not need to be vocally expressed, as the promise itself, is a mandatory "bonus" that comes together with the mutual trust, "free of charge".

If I want to befriend a complete stranger, which is basically achieving a reciprocal trust between us, whether we realize it or not, we have to come to a certain agreement. In other words, an unspoken promise that we will care for each other as friends, that we will be there for one another, that we will not fight where there's a misunderstanding, but instead, to work together to solve that miscommunication.

Alright, so people might say, "But I befriend him cause he's funny, he's cool, he's fun to be with," and all those crap.

Well, here's a question, did the other party stick to the unspoken promise? If they did, then well, good for you, you've just earned yourself a friend; but if they didn't, then well, the person's nothing but a liar, a thief, a torturer.

I don't believe that there's such thing as "true friends", as the word true itself is an extra, a useless exaggeration. Similarly, there is no "fake friends", just strangers, or to make it sound better, "associates".

Yet, I made "friends" that failed to satisfy even one of those conditions. It didn't really hit me at first, but that's because I didn't bother about these silent promises and shit.

I was childish.

Even when some of my so-called "friends" took advantage of me, pushed me around and treated me like the stinkiest piece of shit, I still tolerated and maintained our false state of "friendship".

This is the sole reason why I'm so easy to be picked on.

Still, I'm glad that beneath the mountain of broken chains, there are still a handful of people that I dare call my friends, people that witnessed my ups and downs, yet chose to hold on to that implicit promise we made.

I had a shift of thought; I would rather enjoy life accompanied by a very, very tiny group of loyal friends than a nation of bullshitting hypocrites.