Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tyrant Eliza

1- The Night (2013 version)
2- The Woman (2013 version)
3- The Thoughts
4- The Monster
5- The Night II
6- The Fear
7- The Truth
Final- The Tyrant

Phew, my fifth completed project. Toughest so far, as for someone who never read novels, especially horror ones, I had to squeeze out tons of brain juices just to write even a short chapter. But it was worth it.

And yeah, I know the sex scene in the first chapter kinda bewitched some (if not most) of you readers (who actually reads my story), but that was really, not the main point of the story. I never wanted to write a story about sex. Heck, I'm not even an adult yet -.-

And the final few chapters were kinda rushed I guess, as I had too much inspiration in my mind, patiently waiting for me to just cram it all into the story. Trust me, the story could've been much, much longer, but well whatever, since I tend to drop long stories (eg: Reincarnation). LOL.

And for those who even bothered to read through the story of a mere seventeen-year-old, I'm really grateful about that, even if you've read the first chapter or whatever, well at least you read some of it, so thanks (:

And my daughteh Xin Ying somehow inspired me to write a romance story. Yep, I'm working on it right now, but I'll take a break to prepare for the first term exams, and also for the fact that I've been spending an entire month (okay, not 24/7, but still) to finish up Eliza. And to think that last time I was able to complete a 10k-worded story in a day... (Well, considering that I didn't actually plan my story beforehand)

Owh, and happy (rather late) CNY to all you peeps out there! :DD

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