Wednesday, May 20, 2020


a campus of life
a walking distance from the night
a lone room for love of the alone
a spiritual retreat
in a cyan jungle of grounded skies
a crying teacher, unfounded lies
a preacher from a beautiful land
a sea so smooth, free from sighs

do I run away from the truth
the wild dreams of holy youth
a sign of birth
a creation made of dim light
a king bed floating aimlessly
above the sun-shone seabed
where will my dreams take me

a direction or two or five
a fragment of my mind, a hive
a piece or two or five or seven
a goal of mine, an angel in heaven
an angel, inside my heart
an angel, but who am I
an inspiration, or a lie-coated dart
a revelation, or a why-bloated chart

for I'm just a high-floated smart
a foundation of lies, soaked in parts
a marinade of success and tragedy
a barricade, progress and stagnancy

where's me
now, where's me in this endless world
where's me at this point of time
where's me, with no answers
an answer, I will find, I said
a dream, I will have, I said
but the dreamer within me is dying
and I am still earthed, never flying

a spiritual retreat
in a dream of peace I've written for myself
a dream I visit over and over
over and over and never any closer
a purpose, a meaning, a passion in believing
a nervous intervening, a fashion of grieving
a gorgeous breath
the air is far too comforting

this is only another one of life's many mysteries
to live a life of fulfillment or resentment
a routine to be broken, now I see
my life moves on, and I will be free

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