Tuesday, July 19, 2016

The Lucid Lapse: Two Words

Immerse our pure bodies
in the hot spiritual soup
of unstained whiteness
swim and rejoice with our joyous shrieks
and our lovely beating hearts
as the drinker of the spiritual soup
will witness the willing repentance
of all our wrongdoings
as we shimmer in the boiling soup
a glimmer of light shines upon us all
and all of us progressive humans
chase after the light
like those intelligent, smiling dolphins
as if a tiny cotton string
from the underclothes of a married human
is tugging our hearts all too lightly
to ensure that we are mere volunteers
not the sinners' slaves
but who else, but us, are the sinners?

We dive deeper into the sea of light
leaking out of the married human's eye
like molten dreams
as the spiritual soup is now far from us all
far from the married human's all
yet the drinker is still the drinker
of the mouthwatering soup
the sea of light is now the
sea of sweat
for we tireless humans are beginning to
grow a diseased heart
but the married human has a perfect heart
and that is known to all of us
measly little humans
so with our joyous shrieks
and our stupid beating hearts
we persist through the story of the
married human and their marriage
with their very own heart
their very perfect heart
and we ask ourselves
do we truly understand the truth of the
married human and the drinker
the drinker of us all
yet we progressive humans choose to
chase after the heart of the married human
while the humble humans
are still the spiritual soup
and one with the drinker

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