Friday, August 7, 2015


I would casually lift a finger
move more than three feet
raise my arm and cast death onto them
all the lazy bastards who stole
who made the world their leaking underwear
to shit and re-shit, and I do hope
they'll defecate their brains
but true apathy towards society is a norm
hypocritical, as it is spoken by changers
yet they brainlessly spit combustible lies
we live lives that die when we die
we are but our own presumption of society
waking up, falling asleep
thanking for our lives but never use them
even a sentence to help a friend
a hand to lift those we love
even when sitting, without prejudice
without judgement, for all are humans
a good man or woman
is different from a good human
for we are only human if all are equal
or we would extinguish ourselves
yet if we try to pacify ourselves
all the lazy bastards will shriek
"stay revenant, never relevant"
and they will raise their arms and cast death onto us.

- Revenant Greystar

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