Thursday, December 31, 2015

Worded Life II

2015 is a great year; it's different, because I've escaped from the confinement within myself.

The many events in life and all the conditions I've been through has led to a natural obsession towards observation. Throughout my scientific journey as an engineer and my artistic journey as a poet/writer, I've came to realize too much about myself. I've engaged in activities I would've shied away from, and I've bonded with friends while exposing my true self to the world.

And I'm really excited, because crawling out of my pothole and seeing the world as it is opens up so many opportunities for adventure.

Continuing from part 1:

Artistic Impression (January - March)
Pride, the severest sin of humanity, was the key behind this chapter of life. As a human living under his own skin for three years, unwilling to face the cold truths of the world, forever hiding behind the masks of his fictional characters, the realization that I am my life's writer may have been too strong for my scarred mind to comprehend. 

Yes, I know, I am my life's writer is a cliche advice, but for someone who believed that he didn't deserve all the good in life, it was something that seemed so far-fetched, so unreal, yet so... real.

And when you toss a guy who've spent three years living in the shadows into the real world, there can only be two possibilities: he'll immediately collapse under pressure, or he'll let his pride be the end of him.

I was the latter.

By hiding myself from reality, I've developed a comfort zone in my own fantasies, a place where I felt safe... the only place where I felt safe. In a make-believe world where everything can be justified through stories and personalities, where problems can be solved through plain ignorance, I thought I was invincible. I was at the top of the food chain, eating my way through the weak, for a writer can never be anything but the master of his or her own story.

But nothing matters because I am in control of my life... right? In this world, the only thing that matters is me and everything that defines me. There is no opposition, no competition, no challenge and nothing to fight for.

Because I've won, didn't I? I've conquered my fantasy, so reality shouldn't be a problem... right?

personal / real (March)
But I was mistaken, for the transitions that haunted me in the past continued to loom over me, bearing their now bloodless claws at my heart. This should not be, for I've completely understood myself, had I not?

But I didn't realize that all the way until then, I've been blaming all my flaws and all my wrongs on nonexistent entities. I've made peace with the personalities that I used to take refuge in, but there's one more issue that plagued my soul.

During the "Transition Through Time" chapter in 2012, I've wrongly suspected myself of suffering from bipolar disorder. It was a naive attempt to justify my problems. Yet, it's like I've not learned any lessons from it, for I continued researching for probable causes of this. I came to conclude that I've been inflicted with depersonalization, which shares some similarities with another self-awareness anomaly known as derealization. Now, I won't go into the nitty-gritty here, but even until this very day, I've not found a description that so accurately described my transitions.

So, I'm done I guess? I've fully identified myself, and now I can finally face the world.

I was so happy. I believed that my journey has ended, and that I have discovered everything that I consisted of and everything that I was. I lived a perfect life.

It was an afternoon in university. I was revising my course material in a quiet study area, when all of a sudden, I felt it. I did not doubt for one second, for it's all too familiar. I started zoning out. I started detaching myself from the world around me. It was back, though I was confident that it would no longer terrorize me simply because I've pinpointed what it is.

On that very day, the very moment it happened, I set up an appointment with the university counselling service.

It was supposed to be a thirty-minute talk, but her unbusy schedule allowed us to extend the appointment to two hours. It was hard to explain everything I've been through using spoken words, so I failed to communicate my point about the transitions. She brushed off my issue as nothing remotely close to a mental problem, but rather, it was the trauma associated with an unhealed heart; a scar buried deep within.

After the appointment, I still wasn't satisfied, for I believed that I've not obtained the answer I wanted, and I did not manage to clarify my questions and doubts in a way that is understandable to anyone but me.

But I knew one thing; the significance of the events in this chapter cannot be undermined.

A few days passed. I finally realized.

Heart (April - Present)
I just had to take a few steps back and observe the counselor's words from a birds-eye view. I've seen it; the bigger picture can never be more obvious than this.

Whether or not I suffered from depersonalization and/or derealization is not important, for I've not pinpointed the true cause behind it.

It was the fear of attachment. It was the fear of trust.

I've distanced myself from everyone that loves me because of this fear. I could not bear to watch my heart break through the same crack lines as before.

The teenage love incident in high school was not just any regular heartbreak; no, to me, it was the crumbling of my perfect-world fantasy that I grew up in. Yet, from the rubble of a destroyed fantasy, I did not emerge in reality; no, I rose from the very same fantasy that caused my downfall. I've essentially been layering stacks of pretense and make-believes above my scarred heart, driving it deeper into the wasted ground.

Lifting everything that I've built above the wound takes time, as even at this very time of writing, I'm still consciously and subconsciously freeing my heart from all the masks that I've wrapped around it. But it takes a lot longer than I've expected, for the heart isn't the only problem I'm facing...

Worldly Desire: The Warman Experience (March - May)
As I was still tending to my heart on the sidelines, my interest towards the world has been piqued by an engineering design project. On the first semester of Year 2, for our Engineering Design I module, we were tasked to form a group to compete in the annual Warman Design and Build Competition.

So the competition goal was to build an automated robot that will move on a pre-built track, pick up golf balls arranged in different positions, and deposit them in one (or more) of the three holes located a few meters away from the starting point. It seemed easy. No.

It was a case where two separate chapters began to conflict; the desire to love humanity, and the desire to maintain my excessive pride.

This chapter of life is further split into fifteen sub-chapters, due to its significance in changing my perception of the world and myself.

This is going to be very long. I'll be splitting the first six sub-chapters into two sections; one that covers the Warman project, and one that serves as a personal interpretation of the poem. Most of the Warman experience up to Chapter 6 (Forbidden Land) was written just days after the competition, when my memory was still fresh, while the interpretations are recent writings of mine. Therefore, the writing styles might differ due to my own maturation process. Also, whereas the Warman experience is more personal, the interpretations are more observational.

1. With Me
The subtitle was added a few months after the completion of the poem; it was originally simply titled "Worldly Desire".

Now, I suck at designing. I'd break under the pressure of competitions. The competition was worth 12% of the final marks, yet the workload is equivalent to a project that consists of 50%.

So I've told myself, "it's never about the marks." I went through it. For the experience. 

It was early March. Our progress was miserable. Truth to be told, I was barely feeling the pressure of the project. Our group had meetings for, like, once a week, on Friday evenings. I was sad because I had to be in university on a Friday.

I was still a "me" person. I was indifferent towards our group; nothing was special. People told me the project's going to be a lifelong memory. Somehow, I believed them. Instincts work in the most unexpected ways.

There must be some part of me that desired a break from the repetitive, monotonous lifestyle of studying. University life was too bland for my taste. I needed thrills.

That part of me had a desire for excitement. Though I went through many exhilarating events in my life, most of it was simply... me.

Maybe in the past, I've subconsciously weakened bonds with society for fear of their eventual breakage. Nothing is absolutely eventual. I wanted a time when we can all live with this same worldly desire; something that we can take pride in; something that needed no false emotions.

I wanted to share satisfaction and disappointment with others.

Personal Interpretation
The past few chapters of life have always been about me, as if there is no one in the world but me. I used to loathe society, but the competition instilled the team spirit within me, but really, at that time, I was only pretending to be very enthusiastic about everything just for the sake of my pride. I thought I was the best. I thought everything would be settled because I was just that good. 

Really? Was I perfect? It's an interesting observation, for the project started with me claiming that "the world will desire with me", as if I had the potential to change the world.

Also, it's the first time that I started actively using "we" in my poems, whereas in my previous poems, it has mostly been just "I". It's a really impressive thing to note, for it proves to myself that poetry is indeed a tap into my subconscious.

A worldly desire that is shared with society for society. My former anti-societal habits itched. Yes, there were societies which I loved to be part of, but the project threw me out of my comfort zone. It was a painful process trying to blend myself into something I was so unfamiliar with. Yet, I was secretly gleeful. I felt free.

I didn't have the most proactive or responsive group, but I had a good feeling; not that "good feelings" were enough to change me. I often wore an optimistic mask and portrayed myself as a happy-go-lucky, enthusiastic, hardworking guy. Yet, I was more truthful than before, simply because I had a desire.

Yet many did not share the desire that I held onto. I thought that if a guy like me who had little interest in engineering would be pumped up for the project, others would've be one step ahead of me.

If what I had was a willing desire, then I did not need the assistance of others to boost my morale; I just needed others to share this willing desire with me.

Three weeks passed since our group was formed. Meetings were still held on a weekly basis, though I've picked up hints on the group's ever-growing passion.

Great; it's more "us" and less "me".

So mid-semester break started. Our group had five members; only half showed up at any given time, although we've worked from nine to six everyday (excluding Saturday); yes, even on a Sunday. We had a great start; we've came up with amazing ideas and practical solutions, but the group just didn't function well. Our progress remained minimal.

Personal Interpretation
The wound of my heart could be free from the layers of pretense, but exposure to the bladed air particles will cause it to bleed. However, this is but a natural maturation process. In other words, I need to hurt myself to improve myself.

The project's a pain in the ass, but what really hurts was the myriad of false expectations; a harsh reminder that the past actually happened. It was my biggest fear; to place trust onto something and watch is break. 

We had ambitious plans for the design of our robot, but life isn't perfect. As I began to lose hope, I begin to sink deeper and deeper into the gray area that I never dared to visit.

Many concepts were either delayed or trashed; the main reason being miscommunication. There was barely a time when all five of us were together. Suddenly, bad ideas became our design foundations and no one said a word. There were assumptions that all problems would eventually be solved. Nothing is absolutely eventual.

I doubted my revised perception of society. Nothing worked because everyone had the same flaws, so aren't everyone simply clones of one another? We've encountered problems and we either forgot or refused to inform the rest, for we had too much confidence in ourselves. Although we called ourselves a team, in truth, each of us had a boundary that individualizes us from the rest.

A willing desire will be ineffective if everyone kept it to themselves.

We really were overconfident. Our design was significantly harder than the mainstream approach. We were digging our own graves.

We carelessly chose a design, carelessly worked on it, and couldn't care less about our overall progress. That right there is a trip to the darkest jungle. We were lost.

Personal Interpretation
Ah... Ain't society my biggest fear of the past? That was the reason behind my egocentric attitude; the cause behind all the false sense of pride and pretense. Having lived in a world where I am my own writer, I had to break this boundary to live in a group where we are our writers; the success or failure of the project lay not in my hands, but our hands.

It's a tough change, that's for sure. I thought I managed it well, but it's after the end of the Worldly Desire chapter did I realize that I broke my societal boundaries a tad bit too early.

I was still a prideful writer.

We worked our asses off (at least for those who were there), and yet almost nothing went right.

Guess my optimistic mask wasn't working as well as I've thought.

There were many apologies but core problems remained unresolved; questions remained unasked.

Our progress stalled, and many a time I blamed myself for it; two weeks in the project lab wouldn't make me a better engineer.

We had a problem; our group had no leader. After taking availability and sociability factors into consideration, I was deemed the most fit to lead the group.

I didn't know shit about our progress.

Great, so it was my fault. I was doubtful of everything I did; it didn't help that I was the "nice guy" of the group, and therefore I became the punching bag for mistakes, many due to my inexperience.

Suddenly I felt unneeded; my willing desire seemed to be a huge fat lie. This project will come and go, just like that.

Although I did shitty work, our device was almost completed by the end of the mid semester break.

"What did I contribute?"

Personal Interpretation
I started to question the validity of my observations, for it seemed that my perception of society was missing a few screws here and there. I also questioned my choice to mask myself with fake smiles and forced confidence, for it didn't seem to work nearly as well as I've expected. 

Is it me, or is it them?

I was lost, for I did not know who to blame. Yes, I was still finding parties to blame, for I refused to believe that my observations were flawed. 

Pride is indeed the killer of conscience.

It was the last day of the mid semester break; a freaking Sunday. We worked for nine hours. It was the last day to take a video of the device in action for early submission. We would've gotten 100% of the obtained marks. Any video submissions after that day and we would've gotten only 75%. Doesn't seem like a big deal.

We were very close.

I take back what I've said; I did contribute. I was the coder of the team, yet I did a horrendous job. I never wanted to code.

I forced myself to do it for the sake of the team.

Almost no one knew about this, but I was very demotivated; I may have acted like one who self-depreciates for the sake of entertainment, but I did take every insult and criticism to heart. It tore me apart, slowly.

I started to revert to my "me" mindset; there was no point of me working in a group because I just couldn't work well. My role could have been easily replaced and there would be no difference.

It was a Sunday and we were very close, yet our device encountered too many problems.

I stayed back alone until eleven in the night to continue testing the device and fixing problems. No one forced me to do it; I did. It may be the worst decision I've ever made throughout this entire project.

As I saw other teams achieving moderate success with their devices, the pitiful state of ours killed me a little every time I took it for a run. By the end of it, the fire is gone.

The most useless member trying to be the savior of the team. I was hopeless.

That night, I had an "all of you" mindset, simply because I found myself being completely useless; the fire which ignited my passion started to die off. Everyone else could work without me and nothing would change; maybe the team's productivity might even go up, I didn't know.

Nobody needed me anyway.

Personal Interpretation
If pride were a time bomb, then it certainly exploded during the night, because although I was on fire, the fire within me died off. I've overestimated myself, for my most recent revelation was that I'm my own writer. To accomplish absolutely nothing throughout the last night of the semester break has slit the arteries of my pride, leaving me to bleed to death, for everything that me and my pride stood for has all been a lie.

It was a mistake. I fucked it up.

I lost all hope in success.

After the mid-semester break, we had less than four weeks before the date of the competition; yet within those four weeks, we had to complete a major design overhaul.

Our initial design had no chance.

I was at the lowest of the low, filled with despair and smothered by pressure; many expected too much from me and I couldn't cope with it. I was a good-for-nothing coder, builder, designer, engineer.

It was a situation I never wanted to be in.

I still smiled. I still laughed. I still tried to be optimistic. All were fake. Some I had to force so much it left scars. The thing is, nobody forced me to wear a mask, so I couldn't complain.

Old habits die hard.

I remembered someone telling me not to talk the talk, but walk the walk. Well please, I tried my best yet there were no immediate results; I was simply inexperienced.

That person told me those words two days before the mid-semester test of another subject.

As if I was expected to continue to work a day before the test, even though I have already worked like a fucking dog in the past few weeks.

I couldn't take it anymore. I was all alone in the end.

Personal Interpretation
I've just read the Warman experience I've written above. To be honest, I was pretty fucking stupid.

Heh. Guess I was really in a forbidden land, eh?

I was blaming the person who told me to walk the walk. I was blaming my old habits. I was blaming the mid-semester test. In the end, I guess that's what happens when you let your pride get the best of you.

Now, I treat this chapter as a walk I had to take, for the flames of pride that once drove me forward has been extinguished. I felt useless again, and I've felt like that for years, for the fantasy in my mind was powerful. I had to tread the forbidden land; the land in which I never dared to venture, for I feared getting hurt, for I feared societal pressure.

This poem is arguably my most vivid out of the fifteen, for I've deserted the land long ago, and the land continued to rot during my absence. 

By walking through the forbidden land, I've reformed my expectations on society.

I stopped writing about my Warman experiences after Chapter 6, for I've moved on. I'm here to revisit it after seven months (the competition ended on May). 

It's kinda sad, because I really want to observe my exact reactions at that time. 

Strolling through a forbidden land all alone, lost within a labyrinth of my own dusty footprints... Ain't this pretty similar to my "Wandering in the Sunset" chapter? 

Yet, I made a mistake in the past, for I've sunk deeper into fissures of my heart; I kept searching for reasons and excuses to justify my clueless state, to justify everything that has happened.

But in a team where we had four more weeks to scrap an old, tiresome design and come up with a brand new one, self-justifications had no purpose. I had to change myself. I had to rise from the graves that bound my limbs.

The rise of me alone wasn't sufficient, for we were a team. We had to rise up and fight.

This is an important chapter, for I rose not only for myself, but for society.

A chapter named after the design competition; it symbolizes, well... war.

It was a battle against time, against the lack of manpower, against meaningless conflicts and meatless arguments. Our team fell and stood, fell and stood, for the new design was good, but it's accompanied by many foreign problems, many unsolved issues that have existed from the start, even more misconceptions and misunderstandings. The daily twelve-hour project schedule resumed; there were days where we even stayed overnight in campus. 

As for me, I fucking loathe seeing my hopes and dreams crushed on a daily basis.

And that's exactly what happened.

Our daily goals for the robot may have been mostly accomplished, but issues related to what we've done arose far too many times to count. I couldn't handle it. I was on the verge of breaking.

The heart? Fuck the heart. There is no compassion in this world, for everything in life is temporary; all hopes and dreams belong in the fucking drain.

I've came face-to-face with my biggest fear, and to conquer it, I needed to set my pride aside and admire the light for once.

"There was a time, you told me that the body is a canvas, so I painted myself with light."

That's the first stanza of the poem. People expected too much of me. People didn't know what I was going through. People didn't know how messed up my head was. 

But people didn't care.

To society, we are but blank canvases, waiting idly for them to paint their artistic visions on our bodies, for people are but tools to people. It was a wrongly-timed revelation, for I was in the midst of understanding the heart.

But the heart is dull when stress is involved. The heart is dark when they did not comprehend.

As the robot construction continued, I spiraled into a tornado of pure darkness, for my recent understanding of the heart contradicted the hypocritical hearts of others, for it seemed that although I was trying my best to be myself, it was as if people were communicating to a different version of me. But... why? I've forsaken my past personalities, and I've emerged as my life's own writer... right?

Why did I still feel so estranged?

At moments like that, the light above the tornado will always be the same; the bane of me, my infallible pride.

So I let everything be.

I was screwed on the inside, but my ability to wear convincing masks has assisted me in societal communication. I tried to make myself liked by many, and most of the time, it worked, but I did not feel right.

The darkness returned, and everything that I feared came back to me, for I've not subjugated them, for I've not fully accepted them.

For they are still everything that I feared.

I had a resolution. I had to start from scratch. I needed to rediscover myself.

This was supposed to be the final chapter in Worldly Desire; meant to conclude the Warman experience in a meaningful note, but my artistic creativity blooms during periods of high pressure, and five more chapters managed to sprout. 

The last five sub-chapters are the most prominent in Worldly Desire, for each represents a certain resolution that still holds true as of this very day. Each symbolizes a unique theme and a specific portrayal of my idealized form of humanity.

If the first ten sub-chapters mainly spoke of the Warman experience, the last five guided me through everything after that.

One day, I decided to officially name our robot "Pink Flower". Nobody disagreed, so the name stuck. 

In all honesty, ain't a pink flower just the most gorgeous thing?

Its elegance. Its beauty. Its unwavering spirit when embracing the mightiest evening winds, the scalding midday heat, the trampling of apathetic human beings. It may die, but it is far from extinct, for flowers are everywhere, and they will continue to bloom, even after the deadline of humanity.

Killings are cruel, but you almost never see anyone cry over the death of one flower, unless, of course, it's a rare breed. Yet, it's the death, of a flower. No death is insignificant, yet, we feel indifferent towards the death of a flower, for the flower, being insentient, feels no pain.

A flower has no friends to mourn for its death; a flower will never even know if it's the only one of its kind left on earth, for it senses nothing but stimuli to assist in its own survival. It's selfish, yet it did not have a choice; even if it did have a choice, it will never understand how to choose.

But a death is still a death. We ignore it because it's isolated, therefore it is an isolated event.

However, aren't our lives filled to the brim with events? And yet, as humans, we tend to link them all together and cram them into the same box. We agonize over the wilt of a single flower, but we ignore the rest in our heart-shaped garden, although they're blooming like never before.

Just because of a single flower, we forsake the rest, which are now thirsting for water, screaming for the sun, being shrouded by the darkness that we emit from the mourning of a single flower.

To focus so much on the negatives of life and ignoring the positives, that was one of the major causes of my downfall; it happened in the past, it happened again during the Warman competition. 

Like a forest of positive energy, a devilish leech is sucking your blood.

Like a flower garden, there's a lot more to see than a death of a single flower.

Of course, nothing will change if we ignore the effects of our pride, for pride is the direct or indirect cause behind all sins in the world.

Yet both the excess and the lack of pride will constitute to our end. Pride is the hardest human aspect to balance, for it both an act of benevolence and a sin; it is both an offense and self-defense mechanism; it is what brings us to the world today, with technology and automation and the connection of all things worldly, yet it is also what keeps us savage and the cause of all pain and suffering in the world.

Pride justified our actions; pride is justified by our actions. When we're battered by the pride of others, we will rise due to our own pride; we will fight with and for our pride.

It is a cliche notion, having recurred in too many art forms, but many focus on only one side of pride; the good guys uphold their pride of saving the world, and the bad guys revel in their pride of corruption. It's never so simple.

Toss a so-called "good guy" into the other end of the spectrum and the very same "pride of justice" he/she once had will seamlessly cross the obnoxiously thin moral boundary. Think about it, aren't the worst criminals who they are because they believe that they're doing something right for the world?

Throughout my journey, the one thing that kept pushing me down was the human pride, for I kept worrying about opinions, for I feared being judged, being backstabbed; I feared meeting people who put on masks and pretended to be nice to me; I feared trust and I feared the words of the heart.

During the "Flames of a Sordid Winter" chapter, all the way to "Artistic Impression", I subconsciously developed a superiority complex that elevated me above anyone and everyone. To me, my mistakes were insignificant compared to my greatness, for I kept convincing myself that I had hidden abilities and talents that far surpassed any of my peers. 

Nothing could go wrong, I thought, for I've survived the world of my fantasy; how hard could reality be?

But I knew that deep down, I was hiding a weak spirit, a faltering personality and a damaged confidence. This false sense of pride could never last, for I realized that in conflicts with people who were truly prideful, I lost.

I started to practice humility; I've began to wholeheartedly appreciate those who loved me and those who worried for me, but I feel that the balance of my pride is still not perfect, for the pride is everything.

And everything is due to our pride.

Throughout the Warman competition, I've bonded with many and befriended pretty much anyone who would look at me in the eyes. Though, ain't there something a little odd in my statement above?

I, who used to resent society, was going around socializing and immersing myself in the flood of others for twelve hours a day, weekends included.

I, who was struggling with the heart and battling my pride, to suddenly mingle around as if I was the happiest person alive, as if smiles were always my thing.

I, who swapped out my epidermis for skin-colored masks, who was wrestling with identity crisis, to suddenly gain complete assurance that I was being my truest self during the Warman competition period.

I thought I was free to "be myself", but in the end, I was subconsciously imposing what I deemed a "perfect lifestyle" onto myself. True, I was indeed free, but this freedom comes directly after the pride of being my life's own writer.

I did what a writer would; I've written a life for me to live through; a happy-go-lucky, sociable, enthusiastic young man who motivated his team and expressed an unshakable desire to succeed.

Haha. No.

Four full years of living in the dark taught me a lot about pretending to be carefree, and it reflected a lot in my personality; even till this day, I'm known as someone who rarely shies from using self-deprecation as a socialization tool. I do not mind my close friends verbally insulting me; in fact, I like it and encourage it, for I know that in the end, we all mean no ill will towards one another.

But by meeting so many new people during the course of the Warman competition, this carefree persona spreads all too easily among people I knew for weeks, to people I just met, to people I never met. It's as if society labelled me as an easygoing person who took no offence to anything.

Truth is, I do.

If one is not close enough to me, I take every single word and every single body gesture, even the subtlest ones, to heart. Although I've learned to ignore most of them and just live my life, that does not change the fact that words and gestures still affect me, albeit subconsciously.

During several of the nights when we slept over in campus, some people said that I couldn't work at night. No. There were far too many times where I dragged my revisions and report-writings all the way to the wee hours in the morning, sometimes till the clock strikes three or four, and I did not complain a bit.

It's not that I couldn't work, it's that I couldn't pretend at night.

Because of my own flaws and inexperience, society believed that my pretense was me, and wondered if my pretense couldn't work at night. Yes, they're right.

My pretense loved working on robot designs that kept failing and failing. My pretense loved chitchatting and making jokes and laugh all day. My pretense had no fears, no weaknesses.

But it was my fault, right?

I was the pretender. I was the mask. I was shielding my true self from the coldness of society.

When the competition was over, someone told me I looked a lot fresher. Why, yes, because I've learned a harsh lesson during the final weeks of the Warman experience.

Change occurs in the heart, not when you metaphorically write it out and read it through your eyes and brain; my heart wasn't socially comfortable yet, my heart wasn't fully ready to venture into some place I wasn't in control of, and my heart wasn't ready to deal with the expectations of others.

My heart wasn't ready for all that, and that's fine, because my heart will never be ready until I peel the pretense that I am who I am not.

It's cliche, but what isn't cliche nowadays?

14. End of the World
My resolution this year was to live a simple life. Soon, this desire was further defined as living my true life, for simplicity is complex when pretense smothers me. I sought to be free, but I didn't know how. I sought to be me, but I didn't know who.

The most significant lesson from "Artistic Impression" was the need to focus on the present. Whereas the flower metaphor in Chapter 11 was meant to illustrate the importance of not dwelling in negativity, this chapter personifies the essence of finality.

If tomorrow were the end of the world, will you worry about tomorrow?

Will you waste your time, waste your effort in doing whatever you're doing, waste your accompaniment with families and friends, to worry about tomorrow? The end of the world that occurs tomorrow can never be changed, so is it worth agonizing about something you can never fix?

In other words, if the destination is a universal constant, then divert all your attention to the journey; whereas the destination is a mere name, the journey is its meaning.

That's why unless everyone else does the same, I almost never take out my phone during conversations other than to check the time and/or receive calls. If I value our time together, I'll be damn sure to prioritize it.

When time becomes a quality, the past and future matters no more, for everything in our lives is narrowed down to the present, and only the present.

Hope makes us addicts to the future. Hope encourages the mindlessness of the present. Hope floods us with despair of the past.

When the end of the world comes, all hopes and dreams fade to black, and everything that society denied us of will go off track. Nothing matters anymore; it's just us and the present.

So appreciate the present.

15. Last
And when everything ends, nothing matters anymore.

Nothing is permanent, for we come and go.

And when we go, our desires will go.

Our memories will stay; may it forever last.

Worldly Desire: After (May - July)
Five resolutions for 2016; a far cry from the lonely "live a simple life" goal for 2015.

Yet, they aren't exactly new, for I've been actively and passively trying to achieve these ideal states ever since the Warman competition ended. But it's not easy.

After the Warman competition, two events occurred, both which delivered a huge slap to my face, for it made me realize that... whatever I was doing didn't work too well, for old issues continued to haunt me, and past mistakes were repeated.

I was fortunate, for my observations have allowed me to discover the virus before it propagated; eliminating the virus, however, was easier said than done.

I'll be elaborating on both events personally, if you know me well enough; though, I might be revealing them in a blogpost at the end of 2016.

But both events emphasized the need for me to peel off what remained of my pretense.

The second event, which occurred a week after the end of the competition, exposed me to one of my most morally-depraved, yet very human desire: addiction to control.

Having spent so long dwelling in my fantasies, it was only natural that I exerted control onto many aspects of my life, as the very same control was used to rule over the realms of my fantasy.

It wasn't easy, for the unhealthy desire to control lasted all the way till this very day, though (hopefully) not as severe as before.

I spent my semester break after the Warman competition going to places, catching up with old friends, hanging out with new pals. It was exhausting, but I thoroughly enjoyed every second of it.

I thought that was the end of the "Worldly Desire" chapter, but it all started from a new pal's suggestion to organize a novel-writing competition between the both of us.

Instantly, I realized that there was a lot more to this chapter.

Worldly Desire: Our Land (July - November)
Second semester of the year was a lot different from the first, for we had no major projects; the only group assignments I had were lab reports, which didn't bother me that much, for I fully understood my capabilities and expectations on anything that wasn't building a stupid robot.

I started being consciously aware of my interactions with society, from my subtlest body language, to to the significance of my presence in social settings, not forgetting to constantly check whether or not I was masking myself.

Although I've begun writing the basis of my novel during the semester break, I pretty much shied away from it during this semester, for I was determined to focus on my studies.

But all engineering (reality) and no poetry (fantasy) makes me a fucking dull kid.

So, for the very first time, I actively delved into the fantasy of "Our Land", a fictional nation where things just... happened. It evolved from a rather barren place with hand-planted trees, to a vivid world with a lively main cast and a society that served no purpose other than observation material.

I slowly peppered this world with events, sprinkled some traumas and fears here and there, topped it off with a living, breathing past.

And then I realized that Our Land is a representation of everything I've observed thus far, and an amalgamation of all the various chapters of my life in words and poetry.

Worldly Desire: My Story (November - Present)
With five resolutions and a new world within me, I'll embrace the new year with a form of perseverance and consciousness that was never present in me, for with every passing day, I observe more about the ways of the world, and with every start of a new chapter, I realize a tiny bit more of the truths of the world, and, of course, myself.

I've always been subconsciously painting images in my mind, and all these have been metaphors of every part of me. Translating them into a worded language is much harder than it sounds... let's face the truth, the number of books I've read in my life can be counted with one hand.

It's really ironic, for I'm a writer, not a reader, which reflects all too well in my writing style; raw, unrefined, yet hopefully shrouded in enough mystique to pique the readers' interest.

I've planned to include fifteen chapters in the novel, five which have been completed, but only three were polished up, yet none of the three satisfied my expectations.

If life goes well, I hope to release these five chapters before I head to Australia on February 2016 to participate in a student exchange program for a semester. Though four months of living alone seems insignificant compared to four years of studies by some friends of mine, it may not be all that easy for me, as the lack of independence is one of my biggest flaws.

But hey, it'll be an interesting challenge.

An adventure, even, for how dare I speak so much about changing a fictional world when I don't know shit about the real world?

I look forward to life.

And I look forward to meeting myself.

Maybe sit back, drink some tea, and take time to appreciate the trivialities of life.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

A Sky Full of Nothing

My ceilings are glass
I can see the sky
although above me, formerly a home
full of people

So I question worryingly
All the families above me has moved
to a place where the land is cheaper
as if the apartment costed their children

I feel uneasy
because someone whom I questioned
told me that it was all a lie
that I was just seeing things

I leave and I enter
hoping things will change
I miss my cemented ceiling
and the people above me

Monday, November 30, 2015

ravage ii

You lied to every single one of the children I own
because I let you
You taught them how to be stupid with your pointless mouth
because I let you
You used them for your plans in changing this already perfect world
because I let you
You exist
because I let you

Like a pink flower
blooming when the morning sun shines
wilting when the rain does not come
but the rain will never come again
just let it wilt
let it fucking melt in front of your bloodshot eyes
if that makes you happy
if that makes you think you've won
if that makes you oblivious to everything
that takes place behind the flower-scented veil

As you walk through my garden of peace
I shall welcome you with open arms
maybe give you a hug or two
and a stab or twenty
with a blunt knife
and you will live
because I let you.

- Ribcage Ravenger

resonant ii

I sit on my chair, watching an infected you
sickly vomit all your infested lies
onto the blasphemous floor
with so many devilish words written on it
and I continue to sit on my fucking boring chair
watching you be as weak as the maggots
crawling into and out of your poisoned brain
trying to find the ashes of their cremated mommies
just like the false hope you gave to every single one
of the brainless fools that reside in our nation
and as your best friend, I will offer advice
peel off your fucking pretense
before the end of the world
and maybe your corrupted memories will last.

- Resonan Wilde

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

rainfall ii

All humans are the same
only different in the initialization of their lives
how they perceive society
how they identify themselves.

Will they be part of society?
Will they be leading society?
Who knows?
If there's one thing that never changes
it's that all humans are capable of committing the same sins
and are capable of being judged differently
unfairly, sprinkled with a little bit of humanity
somewhere in the flood
caused by the endless rain

What caused the rain?

- Rebecca the Rain

revenant ii

I would stand up and walk
more than three hundred feet
if the world understands that its sins are forbidden
in a world where I am the sole judge
so I would convict all the criminal dogs
and masked dogs
and every single dog in this dogged out world
for they do not understand that my every action
is for the sake of them and them alone
and every step I take
is to guide them to a brighter tomorrow
a smarter world
with predictable futures and cold, hard truths
no flower-scented lies
nor will there be gold-plated ties
a world where sinners repent or die
and Our Land will rise.

- Revenant Greystar

Friday, November 20, 2015


I numbed myself from the depths of life
the pain that accompanies them all
their words that will never leave my ears

I withstand everything for the sake of us
so my journey can be completed
to ruin the ruined and everything they fight for
and everything they think they're right for.

- Rebecca the Rain

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Rejuvenation: Rewind

The epitome of our life's pride
will never walk to us
as the moment 'pride' was uttered
our sense of self runs and hides
for beasts we are, shivering
to turn off the lights when we see us
limping away from the ghosts in our eyes
the ghastly figure of us from the heart

Return to a time when everything was right
and the sad nights will shy away
revert our minds to the light before sin
and the bad wins will dry away
to dwell in the past and our souls
will cry so well it bores us all
as they can never be relived, relieved
like we never even tried to believe

For we will walk atop this molten road
to a neverending forest fire
as the world betrays the treacherous sun
blaming it for our continuous ignition
of the engines of death
of the engines that will never stop running
of the engines that explode upon contact
of the engines in our broken hearts.

Saturday, November 7, 2015


Another broken teardrop
tear through the hazardous crack
when every soul is suffocating
at the sight of false hope
that you've rained onto them

Walk into the party
freeze when I say
"you are like a flower
beautiful, heartwarming,
it kills me to see you bloom"

I thought you might know better
but like a wilting flower
you only lower your fucking head
into the pile of shit you made
dyed like whipped cream
maybe a few whips will make you more human

You, me
we're the only ones who know better
but you'll never understand my desire
your selfishness and apathy will destroy you
and the world you've strove so hard to build.

- Ribcage Ravenger

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Rejuvenation: Regenesis

Return to the homely heart
reborn in a hearty home
in another doomed generation
of unlove and uncare
so disclose our stupid underbrains
the hidden layer of our purest mind
and resurrect us human humans
and our humane humanities.

All our wicked disfigurements
whisper into our false ears
fooling the viscous brain
that it is a stillborn
and our welded detachments
face our faces and hear
shootings in our ankle sprains
yet we are still born.

Regenerate all our weaponized limbs
and patronize our proud minds
as we are not great individuals
but a collective nation
rejuvenate our drought-ridden throats
and speak the kindest words
make peace to the debt-ridden hearts
and peak with our remaining rations.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

Rejuvenation: Reconcile

Alone in the greenery
everything is so spaceless
the ghosts in our eyes
feeble and why?
When they are scenery
our persons so placeless
the most of our lies
wither and die.

Plant a rotting seed
and a planet it will feed on
walk away, run out of gas
before we are fuelless
and the oceans will dry up
sharks flopping in our brains
soaking up our fluids
before we are rudeless.

Our start is our end
if our end is our end
if our end is our start
if all of them do not know
that our weakness is untogetherness
and unspacing the spaceless
and unplacing the placeless
and racing the raceless.

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Our Land

Walk through a road where nothing matters anymore
where the fog does not disappear
where the path never ends
where time stops in admiration
where if you died, the world rewinds
and all events intertwine
forming a splendid new land
forming Our Land.

This is a dream we share together
to rebuild this broken land
to reconnect all the broken links
and break all this brokenness
for nothing will stop us if we rise
for nothing will end us if we rise
for everything paves way for a path
to our future, Our Land.


While the world revolves around the dull sun
spinning and contorting like a ballerina dog
I boringly sit on my cushioned chair
watch down from the window and witness those rotting ants
screaming and running at the violent festival
burned by the gas, to their eyes, noses, hearts
to all who made them defy a splendid rule
and ignite a spark that sets a forest fire
and kaboom, they will all be gone
yet none dare pierce an arrow through my heart
for they all have me deep inside their hearts.

- Resonan Wilde

Thursday, August 13, 2015

blackheart ii

I dutifully wonder
how is it that humans are so inhuman
when equipped with a prideful, yet repetitive task
to do anything that is not changing the world?
Not that a world-changer can be wild
but such irrelevant archetypes of human nature
should never be excuses to avoid the heart
for life-saving ambitions are hibernating within
impatiently waiting to never be asked to sleep
or to stab itself with a blunt knife, repeatedly.

Yes, I'm speaking to you,
the world's only revenant.

- Rowen Black


Why does the world press me down on its feet
if they say I'm so damn important
to all of their lives; to all of their pride;
to everything that defines them as human?
They talk with such humanly terms,
me too,
yet they say I'm never one of them
and that I deserve a lonely life.
They call me crazy even though I'm normal;
they call me lazy even though I'm formal;
they never respected me simply because I'm me.
If everyone in this dying world has a purpose,
am I just the scapegoat of society;
to get pulled and beaten and whipped and burned and
to be the mask that nobody dares to put on?
Like everyone else, I await a savior
to save me from this wretched land;
but they don't know me, they don't know my strength,
as I choose to forever keep this heart.

- Rowen Black

Friday, August 7, 2015


I would casually lift a finger
move more than three feet
raise my arm and cast death onto them
all the lazy bastards who stole
who made the world their leaking underwear
to shit and re-shit, and I do hope
they'll defecate their brains
but true apathy towards society is a norm
hypocritical, as it is spoken by changers
yet they brainlessly spit combustible lies
we live lives that die when we die
we are but our own presumption of society
waking up, falling asleep
thanking for our lives but never use them
even a sentence to help a friend
a hand to lift those we love
even when sitting, without prejudice
without judgement, for all are humans
a good man or woman
is different from a good human
for we are only human if all are equal
or we would extinguish ourselves
yet if we try to pacify ourselves
all the lazy bastards will shriek
"stay revenant, never relevant"
and they will raise their arms and cast death onto us.

- Revenant Greystar

Friday, June 5, 2015


Breeze of lavender
nature's dancing, singing birds
never quieter.

Nineteen years and you
time makes metal out of one
yet you never rust.

In the orange sea
there's no wet, dusky forest
you're the only tree.

A drizzling sunset
cats meow, never bitten
forever kittens.

Nineteen years and the
sun remains very morning
every time you bloom.

A dusty alley
from far; an old clock's ticking
up close; cats' meow.

An open window
sings "happy birthday to you"
- same old dancing birds.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Pass by Catastrophe

The pills I took fifteen minutes ago are starting to kick in. I slowly lay my head onto my left arm, outstretched across the width of the black plastic table. My head tilts to the right. I see a small stack of papers printed with questions, answers written in blue ink. I see the outlines of a female figure to the right of me; her fingers dancing salsa with a pen.

I see dark. All is over.

"Students, you must now stop writing."

I place my pen to the left of my paper. I flip the papers to its front page. I see no written ink. I look around. A female student three rows in front of the column on my right refuses to stop her mesmerizing finger choreography. The approaching male invigilator snatches away her paper. A male student three rows behind my right is crying. The female student who was had her paper taken away is now staring at him, although he is now six rows behind her. The exam hall has seven rows and two columns of students. I am at at the fourth row, left column.

More papers are currently being snatched. I hear screams.

"Please, sir, I just need to write my name!"

"No means no! I've already reminded you about this ten minutes before the end of your paper. Get back to your seat, now!"

"Please! Please! I'm begging you... I don't want to fail... I promise I won't repeat the same mistake again!"

As the intensity of the male invigilator's rejections grows louder and more ferocious, the female student's wails gets more heartbreaking. I am listening to stories about her sick mother, her dying father, her sister who died in a tragic car accident yesterday, her boyfriend who cheated on her last week and two of her best friends who died mysterious deaths this morning. I know her well enough to validate the truthfulness of her terrible, horrible life.


The male invigilator walks away. He approaches the female student to the right of me; the one who's exhausted from all the salsa. He looks like he is not noticing the student. Nope, he does not.

"Sir, you have not collected my paper."

"Sir, you have not collected my paper."


The male invigilator is already beside the crying male student, three rows behind me. Tears waterfall down his chiselled face. I know the student. He is one of my two enemies, yet I am his "friend".

I am an addict of attention; I would even allow myself to be mocked or disgraced so long as it brings positive attention towards me. Yet, I was never unhappy, for my experienced societal communication skills has allowed me to shape the positive attention into a form of control, in which I can tweak the behaviors of those around me to suit my need.

Yet the crying male student is more of a control freak than I am.

As the male invigilator tries to hide his disgust of the tear-soaked paper, the male student resumes his extremely pretentious crying. He's not sad at all, he's just trying to exert control over the male invigilator.

He's just damn good at it.

"Enough of your cries! I guess it's finally time for that "smartest student" pride of yours to drown, you asshole student."

He was never in good terms with the male invigilator since the semester started. It is currently his fourth semester. The male invigilator was a high school language teacher who had the crying male student as his smartest kid. He treated the crying male student like his own son. The integrity of this bond quickly broke, for both were subconsciously trying to control each other. Four semesters ago, the language teacher started taking up a part-time job as a university exam invigilator. The crying male student enrolled into this particular university for that reason alone. He had to regain the control he lost.

He understands all too well that if control cannot be obtained during examinations due to position differences between the two, then a huge blow to pride will do the trick.

By willingly lowering himself to a level far below that of a student, it makes his eventual first-class results seem a lot more surprising, and to the male invigilator, a lot more agonizing. If he cannot gain the male invigilator's respect, then he will gain the male invigilator's hatred.

By hating on him, the male invigilator indirectly offers the crying male student full control of his emotions. This is the power of anger.

The male invigilator is now strolling down the left column. My column. He walks to the front of the hall and begins his garbage collection. He stares at the girl who had her paper snatched. Her face is planted onto her table, seemingly dejected from everything that is going on.

I turn back. The crying male student is watching the male invigilator's every move. I know his plan. He knows that the male invigilator has trouble differentiating pretense and real emotions. By redirecting the rage of the male invigilator onto him, he would have stabilized the male invigilator's haphazard emotions, hopefully enough that he will give the girl a second chance.

For control freaks like the male invigilator, exerting control is simply happiness.

The girl is important to the crying male student, for she is the only one he knows (other than the male invigilator) that outright refuses to socialize with him, as his hidden desire to exert control is not a secret to her. Nobody likes being controlled.

The crying male student gets desperate far too easily. Whenever she rejects any of his requests, his commands grow louder, angrier. He started threatening her and her family. He brewed colorful vulgar cocktails one too many times. She remains unfazed. Nothing can bend her to his will.

She is the living proof that his tendency to exert control is not "perfect". He has to change that.

He found one way to do that. The girl has a habit of not writing her student details until the last minute, yet she always spend her last minute doing anything that is not writing student details. She usually waits until the invigilator approaches before writing her details, but this time she isn't so lucky.

He knows that the girl is smart enough to catch on with his plans. He wants her to know that control is good. Even with position differences, there is no limit on what one can control.

The male invigilator approaches her. Her head, now laying on her left arm across the table, is tilted to the right, away from the male invigilator who is on her left.

"Hey... Wake up, I'll give you a chance. Don't make me do this again."

"I'll walk away if you don't wake up!"

He gives her a light push. A harder one follows. She is no longer on her chair. The ground shakes a little. She is not moving.

"Are you okay?! Say something! HEY!"

The students in the examination hall are surrounding her. They are checking her pulse. Nope.

"All. Your. Fault."

The crying male student drags the male invigilator away from the crowd. He punches the latter's guts. The head. The chest. The male invigilator is helpless, for he is truly the weakest although he exerts the most control over the students.

The crying male student permanently lost control of the girl. There is no way to gain it back.

Soon, there will be two deaths from this incident. The crying male student may be good at exerting control, but he will be charged with murder. He shall spend his entire life behind bars. In the end, he is nothing but weak.

Yet I am different.

Knowing the standards of my class, the only student that will pass the exam is the crying male student. I hate control freaks. I hate the crying male student and I hate the male invigilator.

Only I can be in control of everything.

My life is a living hell, spiraling further out of control. My family's broken, I have no friends, I have no soul mate, I have no purpose.

I desperately need to control everything that is happening around me; it is the only way to prevent the separation of myself from reality.

Twenty minutes before the incident occurred, I was already fully aware of the events that were to unfold.

I no longer want to live, but I want to die while still having some degree of control over the world.

Why? Because I am her conscience.

Everything goes according to my plan; the sleeping pills, the lack of student details, even the deaths of two of my best friends. I was testing out the efficiency of the sleeping pills I bought this morning. Both of them started to lose consciousness after fifteen minutes, dead by twenty. Both of them are seated at the fourth row.

I thought of committing suicide after the examinations, but why die alone when you have the potential to leave a lasting impact on the world?

Due to my death, as a form of bereavement consideration, all students that were in the hall (ten of them, minus me, the crying male student, and my two dead friends) will be granted a "pass" for the unit, even if their actual results are poorer. They will have an improved perspective of life, a more mature mindset, and will be inspired by my life to become successful individuals.

The male invigilator and the crying male student will have lost. They are not needed in my ideal world.

Without my student details on the exam papers, I will not have imprinted my great name onto papers with this very essay written on it, for I know that the higher-ups will associate this essay with a dark incident.

If I am the conscience that instigates her suicide plan, then the female figure whose fingers dance salsa is the conscience that plans for her future, and who writes this essay. We are one, and together we control the girl who forgot to write her name.

The plan is settled. Also, I will have answered the question my way.

"Write an essay about control."

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Worldly Desire XV: Last

Everything is in the past
a time when we all lived in a blast
Seemed like an everlasting dream
a scar that bled so fast, so unreal
A change that fastened my life
to society; an unpredictable cast
to boundaries; now question me

Is it an alright dignity
or is the fire a lie?
Are we airtight refugees
or does the land forbid ties?

For there is no destruction until we rise
to desire a life so great, so free
Live with one another, through our youths and truths
for we persist when the battle glows and flows
Without a brutal war, there can be no light
for we will never truly comprehend our might
The body is a canvas; the heart is a leech
A resolution never forms until we screech
like a bloated toad; like a weeping flower
all are metaphors of an overwhelming power
A snake's unwilling duty is our responsibility
for we will not hide our sacrificial pride
for everything is due to pride and pretense
for we are many until we peel pretense

This is the end of the world
Hold our hands and bring us through life
for we have no guide other than pride
for we will not strive if not for our hive
for we may just die from our okay lies
for we cannot bite if we're always alright

Our hunger for the world
Our hunger for desires
Our memories of the past
will forever last.

- End

Monday, May 11, 2015

Worldly Desire XIV: End of the World

This is the end of the world
All hopes and dreams fade to black
Denials go off track
Contracts with desires retract
Pact with the pack, now lack
Slack; now the wack crack's back
Bracket racquets of our game
As games are fun, are to blame
So blame us with your insignificant fame
For we are your fame; famous like flame
Flame us or one, for it's the end
End of a worldly desire, godsend

Friday, May 8, 2015

Worldly Desire XIII: Peel Pretense

Are you truly scared?
Ask us, make us do as you say,
but never show fear,
never expose the heart to the liars.
We are your peers,
yet you are your slaves,
as your childish mistakes will claim our lives
and all your future graves.

Face the world and all your desires
with an open mind and heart.
Embrace us not with a hug,
but after you peel pretense.

"Will we ever know
what lies beneath the wheat we've never sowed?
All eyes within our faces dyed with our crows;
when we die, will grace continue our flow?
All the 'whys' we never knew
when we fall hard in a situational brew;
when we walk our pride like it's nothing new;
when we sacrifice the bonds with our dire crew.

We peel pretense like it's never past tense.
Sell us our sense and make us cry,
for we do not deny our recent lies,
as our demise is a sacrifice.

We'd salvage flies that encircle retries
when the shadows forsake forbidden ties.
Just mesmerize us with worldly desires
and all the world will strive with us."

Worldly Desire XII: Pride

Temptations saved us
as everything is due to pride;
the fame and fortune;
all forms of torture by our heart.

Release everything that lies within
before your sanity dies off.
Shiver before all of us,
as your recognition by us is ending.

Molten silver poured on you
before all of you has withered;
slide down the hazardous slope
before you break your hill.

If worldly desires could lie,
then our desires will just die;
for we are the world, the happenings;
everything is due to our pride.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Worldly Desire XI: Flower

There is a stranger. A lone stranger.
Are there many other strangers or lone rangers?
Slightly worried after a mere sight.
Sigh. Sacrifices are nigh!
For the night will bloom like a weeping flower,
like tears that metaphorically flow,
metaphorically evaporate.
Sever all bonds with the roots of a flower,
for they are useless,
bound to the ground whilst waiting to die!
The colors will never leak out of its wilting petals,
for it is on fire! 
It is burning yet none shall save it
for that will be our only responsibility;
our only willing duty.
The stranger or a flower,
which life shall we save?
For this is no worldly desire;
just a simple desire.

Worldly Desire X: Resolution

If the story never ends, will we ever pretend?
Time flows past our everlasting minds, at last.
Secretly screeching for blood, we'll be leeching.
Harmful to us, yet blooming like a lotus.
Sincerely spoken by us, to us, once we've awoken.
Break all ties without masquerading forgotten lies.
Walk through this road croaking like a bloated toad.
Our worldly desires, we'll let them retire.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Worldly Desire IX: Light

There was a time
you told me that the body is a canvas
so I painted myself with light

Light pierced through a solemn door
Light the spirit through a wooden floor
Light weighed the destruction of not being okay
Light up all my worldly desires

Every time we're away, we see light
Every time we're amazed, we meet eyes
Every time we're surrounded by us,
we seek each other's sacrifice

Every time we're awake, we're our lies
Every time we're ablaze, we break ties
Every time we're surpassing each other
our friends become grass to one another

Be the leech and suck all our light
Be the preacher of your dimming light

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Worldly Desire VIII: The War Man

All our consoled youths
deprived of nature
All our compromised truths
derived from nature
Let the world witness the bravery
the passion and the bloodshed
the will to overcome the adversary
life in an unstable flood shed

There is the War Man
for everything comes and goes with him
for everything drowns and flows with him
for everything is with him
for the War Man never yields
nor will he ever crash into the shallowest seas
nor will he ever grow the mellowest trees
for he will persist even after death
for the war is only beginning

For the battles come and go
so simply, so hastily
so sorry for all that it caused
all bonds that are broken and lost
For the goriest stories were not told
they were meant to be put on hold
The friendliest comrades, all unmasked
all willing to be suitably tasked

There is the War Man
whose rifle never runs out of ammunition
who trifles nightfall without communication
who insists that the war will go his way
who sacrifices himself to be the War Man

It is the War Man
with many worldly desires
Yet it is the War Man who falls
Yet it is the War Man who loses the war

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Worldly Desire VII: Rise

To desire a life so great, so free
Do anything
Time to go forth
Be with me
We will unite and rule the world together
We will not fall until we say so
For the world is never ending
Not anytime soon
Not anywhere near
It is never too late to go and face the world
This time we will rise
Fulfill a worldly desire
Make do with what we have
What we do when we are in trance
What we do when we close our great eyes
Live a great life
Time to go
We must stand up and go forth
Live our lives freely
We are almost there
Let's live this together
All for one another

Monday, April 20, 2015

Worldly Desire VI: Forbidden Land

Everyone doesn't know each other
No one looks at one another
for they're strangers living next door
No one understands each other
for they claim it's their personal floor
No one will regret their latest decision
for it means they lack precision

No one leaves anything behind
No one will be their own chasers
No one will repent and rewind
None will hide from their pointed lasers
None will run from themselves
None will undermine themselves

No one stays and wait for compromise
No one relies on themselves for sacrifice
No one estimates their limits and fame
No one appreciates their enemies' own game
No one will win without blood and sore
No one will have seen the clothes they tore

No, there will be no more winners
No more soldiers and no more frontiers
No more fortresses, for all are destroyed
No more lies in this death-defying toy
No more snakes in the bloody grassland
No more water in this dried-up wasteland
No more seers, no more observers
No more plants, no more desires
No other word can describe us all
No other mind can surprise us all

No more ambitions for all hope is lost
No more walks in this dreadful frost
No more motivation, no more disgrace
No more locked doors without their face
No more seconds, minutes, hours or years
No more natural occurrences other than tears
No worldly desires, no more hands
No more destruction in this forbidden land

Friday, April 17, 2015

Worldly Desire V: Fire

All of you are sacrificed to the worldly fire
All of you compromised your inner liars
All of you, in paradise without desires
All of you jeopardized your paths; no higher

All of you cars drift with worn-out tires
All of you faraway lands, your crises' so dire
All of you, on par with the ambitious sires
All of you empty jars store nothing but sighers

All of you flies fly like current on wires
All of you dogs dog your masters' attires
All of you spies spy till the day you retire
All of you lies lie about the false ceasefire

All of you aren't you till you have a desire
All of you are one with a worldly desire

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Worldly Desire IV: Questions

Part I
Part II
Part III

You don't need to apologize
for I am the world
Stop telling me you're paralyzed
for I am the culprit
I've distorted your boundaries
and all your mindful societies
Be one with me
I'll set you free

Agonies will hate on your glee
so you'll say you're not free
Apologies will berate your world tree
so you'll say you're astonishing me
Yet none will sacrifice me
for the sake of entertaining me
For I have yet to set you free
I have yet to let you be

For I am the world, and I have a desire
to ignite the spark of a worldly fire
A sacrifice, a lie, a memory to cry for
A worldly desire with questions to die for

Is it an alright memory
or is it an okay lie?
Is it an airtight memory
or is it just hey and bye?

Is it just me
or are our desires tied?
Is it just me
or is the world our guide?

Worldly Desire III: Boundaries and Societies

Part I
Part II

There is not just one
but many of you
Each are mere clones of the rest
Do you believe what I've said?
Indeed, you've failed the test

You witness crime
brutal, bloody, traumatizing
you're paralyzed
No longer understand what the world means to you
No longer want to comprehend
You just wish to live carelessly
live without boundaries
live without societies

But life is not life without boundaries and societies
life is but a fragment of your hollow shell
Life is a maze that amazes
Life is a stain that abstains
You will never appreciate life
for your previous pain is rife!

Everything is for a common desire
Everything is for the world
Even when you've failed to forget and respire
if all ends well
it will be our worldly desire

Friday, April 3, 2015

Worldly Desire II: Bleed

Part I

I stabbed my own chest
with my own blunt knife
As I continued to do so, I realize
Pain is so rife
but I was so merry, so maybe
I would marry my misery with my glee
Let my widest smile be the start of a new me
Set me free

My chest is bleeding
yet I'm still thinking
as that which is required is a willing desire
A measly little life
or to save a life
or to liberate the surgeons from fulfilling their desire

A psychotic mindset that thought but not think
A wandering explorer that walked but not walk
Running away in but a blink of an eye
Talk to me. Question me. Don't think, just speak

Set me free
Set everyone free
let the world see my worldly desires
and sacrifice our denials and make us mad
So force us to collapse because we're all so bad
Let our desires rot as we're bound to be sad

Thursday, April 2, 2015


Always understand
that the truest you is the you of others
Because truth is subjective
this is a fact from others
But be willing to comprehend the heart
be willing to shake hands with the cruelty of others
Be subjected to free will
and be surrounded by the love of others

For freedom is achieved not from identities
but a reflection of yourself
from the eyes of others

As it depends only on your cold heart
life can be a refreshing summer
from the warmth of others

For a compromise is needed
if the heart lives for others
For a sacrifice will live
if the heart needs others

Let the truest you touch the lives of others
Let the truest you trust the needs of others
Let you be you, and let all their hearts
Love you for you, not for being other

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

√ personal / real

the observer and his observation:
everything is true / false
no? there can't be cracks
i do not see cracks?
a real life! has to be
or maybe (really not) my ideas are true / false
#1: this is space
#2: this "true / false" sense of space*time
#3: fake (i $ people $ i)
#4: me & me & me & me &  ...
#5: null
#6: 50% of time hid panic
no more ideas!
observer + world = selfish
or maybe calm > selfish
incidents ^ infinity zero
failures = failures * 2
i do not see cracks??
if a crack i see, i will go through it
discovery through artistic impressions!
root of problem: conception of

Monday, March 16, 2015

Worldly Desire I: With Me

Now I see, but back then I never saw what it was like to destroy
and facilitate this process, now I believe in me
How many tries it'll take for a shot to be fired?
The gun's spoiled
The fucking gun's spoiled
Everything withers and rots, just like my gun

Forever now
A time when we can all live with a worldly desire
to serenade all the lies and all the lives and all the light
Watch them melt while we all burn
That's our desire

Now we'll take pride in what we've done
for we wished for a world that's second to none
All the times we've seen a depressing heart
it's a false heart

In this very second, we only wish
for this land to forgive all of us
and when things go bad with our hearts still sad
the world will desire with me