Friday, September 13, 2013

The Crawl

Staggering less inside,
shattering bests in hide,
gathering the rest
and rummaging through tests
from someone who never lied;
from someone who always tried.

Resisting control over a beast
who never cried "Beast!";
who never tried to feast;
as weak as yeast;
as strong as yeast.
Feared it like a life-changer,
geared up like a rife ranger.

Now I am out of order.
I am a wasted disorder.

Cleansed myself with stained water,
rinsed my soul with feigned blood
inside a long river.
I will drown inside the river,
as I frowned for life,
while a snake slithered.

The snake was me.

Mind in circles,
mind the circles;
mine are whirls,
around and around.

My nightmare;
shamed by society;
chided by communities;
burned by ironies.

Believing in the impossible;
it was all a lie.
There is no longer a reason
to continue this treason
or to create another lie.


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