The meaning of the title above is rather awkward, but just read on:
Ready to be
Well, some of you might not even know what I just wrote, but it actually represents the 4 main activities I (and another 7 of my friends) did today. Well, just read on. :D
Alright, our plan is: Finish the "community service" and play. So, I reached my school at 12pm (That was the place where we all gather). But 2 other guys reached there EARLIER than me (hell yeah, I thought I was the earliest D:) So we chatted while waiting for some other friends (who are just "punctual" on time) to come. And then we set off our "not-so-epic" journey to my house (I don't even know who chosen my house as our project destination X_X)
When we reached there, the first thing we did was work. It only took about 20 minutes for 3 "not-so-interesting-community-services" which are:
1.) Cleaning the dirty fountain. (I live in a condo, duh)
2.) Picking up (or crushing) dried leaves.
3.) Sweeping the "sparkling" floor.
And you may wonder, how the hell did we finished all these in just 20 minutes? With the help of my dad of course. In fact, we only ACTED and not doing the real thing (lol).
After that, we went to my house and played played PLAYED! (That's the meaning of C.I.V.I.C.)
Well, these are the few MAIN games which we played:
1.) Warriors Orochi- My friends went OMGWTHBBQ when they saw the power of Orochi. X_X
2.) Naruto Shippuden 2- THEY ALWAYS BEAT ME UP IN THAT GAME. T_T
3.) King of Fighters Regulation A- I PWNed them in this one. :D
Other than playing, some of my friends continued to work on the Civic Folio with the help of my computer. (That's the meaning of C.O.M.M.U.N.I.T.Y.)
We originally planed to go swimming on 3pm, but due to the cloudy weather, we decided to swim at 2.30pm, thinking that it'll rain at 3pm.
Among the 8 of us, only 6 swam, the other 2 did not swim for some not-so-good reasons. They were just walking around the pool, splashing water (AND EVEN LEAVES!) to us. We had pretty much fun there, and TBH it's the first time swimming with them. :D
Around 2.50pm, 2 of my friends left the pool due to the mild rain. They were pretty scared of lightnings lol. (That's what I meant by S.E.R.V.I.C.E.)
The fun part started when ALL of us left the pool by 3.10pm. We took a small shower in the changing room when a few of my friends took out their so-called "cool phones" and snapped us (lol). Good thing I wasn't snapped when I was changing, or I'll kill them. :P
Then, we went back to my house and started playing/working on the folio, again. Nothing much happened here. :D
At 5.00pm, we went to my primary school to play badminton. As you know I'm pretty weak on ALMOST ALL SPORTS, INCLUDING BADMINTON (Luckily my badminton skills aren't as weak as my football skills X_X). Well, I do hit hard sometimes, but not always. T_T (And that's where the phrase F.O.L.I.O. comes from, although "lobbing" isn't a good word to use here)
6.15pm, we all went back to our secondary school and waited for my friend's parents to fetch them back home. (lol)
It was VERY fun today, I admit, it's MUCH MUCH MUCH more fun than my 13th birthday. What I'd enjoyed the most was swimming. I do wish that we can swim together again one day. :P
That's all for today's post. I know it's long, but who cares? :P
T.T that was so much fun with friends.
Lol, I love the swimming part. :D
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