Touhou, a rail shooting game, is like most rail shooting games, you control the character, fighting enemies, avoiding shots, and face a boss at the end of the stage. But...
Why? This game is also known as "Bullet Hell" because of it's ridiculous amounts of bullets flying all over the screen.
Music: 7.5/10. The music ROCKS! Seriously, it's one of the few rail shooting games which actually plays cool music during the gameplay.
LEARNING CURVE: 9/10. It's WAY too easy to learn the controls. Up down left right for moving. Z to shoot and X to bomb. SHIFT to change style (You'll know what it's used for when you play it.). It's WAY too easy.
GRAPHICS: 7/10. Cool graphics. Although not 100% 3D, it's still cute. And you controls cute girls too. XD
Ok ok a short review. Now is my favorite part, PICTURES!
The pics below are taken in EASY mode. (There are four modes in the game, Easy, Medium, Hard and Lunatic)
The light blue circle is the hitbox, when bullets touches it, you dies. This pic is nothing when you're getting used to it.
Stars, stars, stars!
OMG countless bullets!
Looks hard? Think again.
Now it's time where the REAL fun starts. (NOTE: The bottom pics are NOT in Easy mode.)
The stars are back, but this time with HUGE lasers.
Again, more stars! But this... is... OMG!
It's the bullet festival! Yeah!
OMG 3 different kind of bullets!
The last pic, and the most bullet-hellish one...
Nice pics, right? Yup, there are THAT many bullets in this game.
so blurrie T.T but nice! I sure I can pick up this game fast..^^"
Looks easy for sure, but when you play it, you'll know how HARD is it. :D
Aww the 1st 3 pictures are a little wasted, why not take something cooler like Buretsu Crisis or Phantasmal Emperor (both are Keine's spells in Easy)?
6th Picture: Idling Wave
One of the hardest spell in Easy, don't be fooled by its little amount of bullets, IT'S HARD. (Even I myself can be killed by this)
8th Picture: Double Spark
Why not take the picture of Final Spark? IT'S BIGGER.
10th Picture: Tele-Mesmerism
This is not hard, I can clear it, with some deep concentrations you should be able to clear this spell.
11th Picture: Morning Mist
Only 3 types? You are wrong, when it reaches the final 5 seconds, it will have a whooping 6 types of bullets flying around the screen, try dodging that.
12th Picture: Hourai Elixir
Arguably the most famous spell in Imperishable Night, I can only clear the Easy version of this, ONCE. X_X
You gave the music rating too low, helpme, Touhou became so famous in Japan is because of its AWESOME SOUNDTRACK. 7.5/10 is not enough, make that 11/10. (I dare say not a single game can beat Touhou in terms of music) :D
Um... Dusky...
About the music thing, TBH, NO MUSIC in the world could satisfy me 100%, not even touhou music or o2jam music, don't know why...X_X
1st-3rd pics: I wanna take some "easy" ones first.
6th pic: I kinda like this part actually. XD
8th pic: That's why.. My touhou doesn't let me play Marisa's Last Spell on Lunatic. T_T
10th pic: I only can clear Invisible Full Moon, but this... X_X
11th pic: I did this post in a rush, so... X_X
12th pic: Most famous spell? OMG...
The hardest spell in Imperishable Night is Yukari's "Profound Danmaku Bounded Field -Phantasm, Foam and Shadow-", which also occupies the last spell card slot (no. 222). There's a replay in your game, do check it out. :D
Just by looking at it...
OMG I wonder how cool it is when I can use that last word MYSELF to destroy enemies. (Yukari IS a playable character.)
Yukari's bomb in IN is... not that impressive for a youkai who possess the most uber ability (manipulation of boundaries) in the Touhou universe.
Alice's bomb = PHAIL. Or else the 2nd team would be the best team in the game, all ruined just because of Alice's sucky bomb. X_X
Marisa's Spark Attack (Spell) is good cause it last pretty long, but Alice's...
Sucks, A LOT. ><
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