Yup, I started playing it since yesterday.
It's a very very cool game, why?
(Note: I just copy-pasted the reviews and pictures from RO2JAM)

If you want to see some pics, just click
HERE and see the first post.
This game is like most 3D MMORPGs, pictures of it are in the 1st post. There are 3 "races" and 6 classes:
1.) Humans:
a.) Human Warriors: Like most MMORPGs, they use swords, spears... Don't really know much about them but I know that most of their attacks are short-ranged (I think), but have high HP and are quite strong. Like the human mages, they will only get a "huge floating sword" through a quest at lvl 30 which enables them to fly.
b.) Human Mages: Like most MMORPGs, they use wands, staffs... Their casting time is very slow and very hard to train at early levels but they'll be the strongest class in later levels. They have a "simple" healing too. Like the human warriors, they will only get a "huge floating sword" through a quest at lvl 30 which enables them to fly.
2.) Winged:
a.) Elf Archers: Like most MMORPGs, they use bows and arrows. Don't really know much about them... Like the elf priests, they have a pair of wings at lvl 1 which enable them to fly, but it consumes MP, they will get another new pair of wings through a quest at lvl 30 which don't consume MP.
b.) Elf Priests: They are a MUST in parties, without them, the party may die easily. They have a healing skill which casts way faster and are more effective than human mages. They're skills take a long time to cast and they are VERY HARD to train when solo. Like the elf archers, they have a pair of wings at lvl 1 which enable them to fly, but it consumes MP, they will get another new pair of wings through a quest at lvl 30 which don't consume MP.
3.) Beasts:
a.) Werebeasts: Males only. They are called "tankers" because of their good amount of strength, HP and defences. They have 2 forms, human form and beast form. Don't really know much about them too... Like the werefoxes, they'll get something (which I don't know) on a quest during lvl 30 which enables them to fly.
b.) Werefoxes: Females only. They are called "lurers" because of some reason that I don't know (LOL). They have 2 forms, human form and beast form. Don't really know much about them too... Like the werebeasts, they'll get something (which I don't know) on a quest during lvl 30 which enables them to fly.
Here are some general reviews:
The music is pretty nice and "charming". The sounds are very cool.
Other than the "strange" camera view, the fighting, swimming, flying stuffs are great! I love flying the most.

. You can actually use WASD to move other than the mouse and SPACE BAR to jump, which rocks.
EASINESS: Depends. For me it's 8/10
It depends on how long you play, actually, it's pretty easy to figure out the controls even without looking at the help menu.
FILE SIZE: 6.5/10
It's reasonable, although it's a TOTALLY HUGE 2.2GB, it's worth it, only the long wait might wanna make you explode...
SMOOTHNESS: Depends. For me it's 7.5/10
It depends on your internet connection. If it's fast, then it's gonna be fun. If it's slow, well, it's NOT gonna be fun, so change your internet connection to a faster one then.
o_O 9/10? Don't believe it? See for yourself, even without spending real money, you can choose between tons of faces, hairstyle, body, even nose shape, lip shape and ear! Now that's cool.
Yeah, it's very very realistic. It even have day and night sequences! Played Cabal or Mo Siang Online? Well, the background is 2 times better than MSO and 1.5 times better than Cabal...
Don't know why I included this here but, 3 races, each race have 2 classes, makes a total of 6 classes! (Actually it's 5, because the Werebeast class is for males only and the Werefoxes class is for females only.) Yeah, cool classes. I actually had to think for 3 hours whether to choose Human Mage or Elf Priest. (LOL).
OVERALL: 7.9/10 --> 8/10
It's a cool game, try it out! XD