Simply put
I dreamed of a world where no one will die
walking down the streets with smiles on their faces
not needing to hide their imaginary sorrows
never wanting to mask themselves from the truth
that they love each other
But also simply put
I thought of this dream as a dream
and dreams are but an escape from reality
but what if
someday I live in
a world where people could never lie
and will look at each other in the eyes
and say, with all their hearts
my brother, my sister
my love for you cannot be expressed
even with the dreamiest words
even with the sweetest soul
Yet a sickly person would have spoken
yet strong words
about the ways and the truths of life
and everything in between
for this world would never have survived
the onslaught of a thousand fallacies
hammering down the truest desires of this
bloodied, battered world
Simply put
we could have just looked away from the
dying lands of this world
couldn't we?